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Night Runner Light Shoes
operating instructions
tutorial Videos
And Faqs
High Beam Light System Tutorials
Storage Mode. Instructions For Placing Your Night Runner Shoes in Battery Save Mode.
Storage Mode
What is storage mode?
How long will my battery stay charged?
How do I turn on storage mode?
How do I turn off storage mode?
Night Runner Light Instructions For Independant Front and Rear Runner Safety Lights.
High Beam Independent Light Operation video.
How do control my High Beam Shoes?
Are the front and rear lights independant?
Can I use the front lights only?
Can I use the back safety lights only?
How do I use the remote control for my Night Runners?
Magnetic Quick Charge Instructions For Your Night Runner Light Shoes.
How do I charge my High Beam Night Runner shoes?
What is a Quick Charger?
How long does it take to charge my High Beam's?
Why is there a blue light on my Quick Charge cord?
How do I know when my shoes are fully charged?
How do I connect my Quick Charge cord to my shoes?
Charge Your High Beams Before You GoYour shoes are shipped with a very small charge. Only enough for quality control to check that everything is working properly. We know that you are excited to get outside with your new High Beams, and we are too! Just like a new car, you need to break in your new shoes. In order for the batteries to start working at full capacity, and to give you max performance please charge them with the inclluded quick charge cords. We want you to enjoy every minute, so fully charge your shoes before you go out.
How Do I Know When My Night Runners Are Fully Charged?Located on the side of each your shoes, next to the power button, is the magnetic charge port. When you attach the Quick Charge Cord to the magnetic port, the Charge Cord will glow with the color blue. *If the charge cord does not glow, you are not getting power. The lights on your Night Runners will start to blink. *Depending on how low the battery is, one or both may not start to blink right away. If the light on the Charge Cord is Blue, you are getting power and the shoes should start to blink within 5 minutes. Your Night Runners are fully charged when the lights stop blinking.
Why Won't My Remote Control Work?Your Night Runners are shipped in Storage Mode, and the remote will not work until you take them out of storage mode. Press the On/Off button - 1time on each of your shoes. This will turn off storage mode, and your remote control should work. Your remote control is shipped with a small piece of plastic that seperates the battery from your remote. Pull the plastic from the remote and discard. Charge your shoes and try again.
How Long Will My HB3000 Light System Work Per Charge?Your HB3000 Light system is engineered to give maximum performance, and light time per charge. The Short answer is 4-6 Hours per charge. *Perfomance depends on several factors like Temperature, and how you use your Night Runners. If you use the Front Headlights only, or just the Rear Safety lights (HB3000 Only), you should get up to 6 hours + on a full charge. If you use both Front & Rear lights. Up to 4 Hrs +
What High Beam Light System Do I Have?Currently the only system available is the HB3000 Night Runner System. Soon To Be Released. HB4500 HB6000 Explorer Kids Light System Venture Kids Light System
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